History of Texas Worker Compensation

History of Worker’s Compensation in Texas

“The first workers’ compensation laws were enacted in Texas in 1913 and held fast to the principle that employers should be allowed to choose whether to offer workers’ compensation benefits to their employees.”

The Workers’ Compensation Act ensures that injured workers are compensated fairly and appropriately for workplace injuries. Under the Act, Texas remains the only state that still allows private employers to choose whether or not to maintain workers’ compensation insurance. Employers who choose not to maintain coverage must notify the Division and their employees that they do not intend to maintain workers’ compensation insurance. The Act created more insurance options for employers, including self-insurance for large employers who meet established criteria and are certified by the Division.”

In 2005 the texas Legislature enacted a sweeping reform to the texas worker’s compensation system. Managed Healthcare network and adopting a occupational medical guideline to help resolve dispute and facilitate patient and carrier participation in the network. Footnote: Texas department website http://www.tdi.texas.gov/wc/dwc/index.html#history

What does this mean to Injured Worker?

Patient will have to select a initial treating provider that can direct their care. This is not always easy. Because of the many different specialty and many networks, your injury care may not be satisfactory or consistent. Like many state and governmental agency there are lots of undesirable consequence of the bureaucratic obstacle. Case in point, if you have a severe crush hand injury or foot injury and your initial choice is a occupational medicine physician with a referral to a general orthopedist. This may not be the best option in medical option. Here is why. Hand surgery is a specialty the requires an experienced hand surgeon that is fellowship in hand and microsurgery. Most general surgeon deal with larger joint in the shoulder or knee and do not treat hands and ankle well. Therefore, it’s important to choose the best an organization that is specialize in worker compensation claim and treatment. At Americana Injury we model our organization around the Worker Compensation Act to provide excellence in injury care. In addition, we have in network and out of network physicians so that it is easier to navigate through the system. We can also refer you to the necessary legal counsel or a law firm that help you with various dispute resolution such as ‘scope of injury or extent of injury’.


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